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The water reforms are an opportunity for Aotearoa to do things better.

Together, we could fix infrastructure funding issues, plan better for the longer term, share our skills and knowledge for everyone’s benefit, and meaningfully honour Te Tiriti.

But to succeed, we need union members at the decision-making table. That’s why there has never been a better time to join a union that works for you.

How are the unions supporting workers through the reforms?

Water Workers is made up of the four national unions: E tū, the Public Service Association (PSA), the Amalgamated Workers Union NZ (AWUNZ), and the Aviation and Marine Engineers Association (AMEA). We represent workers in the water services and infrastructure sector right across Aotearoa New Zealand.

We have come together to ensure that the Government’s water infrastructure reforms suit the needs of the affected workers, the wider community, and generations to come.

We’re making submissions, talking to Ministers, and working with the National Transition Unit

We do that in multiple ways: from making formal submissions on things like the legislation and the proposed transition guidelines, to talking to Ministers about the needs of workers, and working with the National Transition Unit make sure they understand the needs of workers in their planning of the new entities and the reform process.

Water workers union guide

We’ve produced a go-to guide to help with the process.